Total Kidney -Reports
Total No.of kidney Transplanted
Total No.of Kidney Donated
Total No.of Patient - Gender distribution - Male and Female
Total No.of Patient By Age
Total No.of Patient By City
Total No.of Patient By State
Total No.of Patient By BloodGroup
Total No.of Patient By Relationship
Total No.of Patient By Month
Live Donor Kidney -Reports
No.of Patient - Gender distribution - Male and Female
Live donor By Age
Live donor By City
Live donor By State
Live donor By BloodGroup
Live donor By BMI
Live-Donor No.of Patient Distribution By Relation
Live Donor Mean GFR and GFR range of live donors
Haemoglobin Range By live donors
Deceased Donor Kidney -Reports
No.of Patient - Gender distribution - Male and Female
Deceased Donor By Age
Deceased Donor By City
Deceased Donor By State
Deceased Donor By BloodGroup
Recipient Kidney -Reports
No.of Patient - Gender distribution - Male and Female
Total No.of Patient By Age
Total No.of Patient By City
Total No.of Patient By State
Total No.of Patient By BMI
Total No.of Patient By Month
Total No.of Patient By BloodGroup
Total No.of Patient By Related and Unrelated
No.of Patient with Live and Deceased Donor
No.of Patient with DM Yes or No
No.of Patient with Hypertension Yes or No
Mean Creatinine Pre Transplantation
Cause of kidney Failure
Haemoglobin Range By Recipient